Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Learning fluidity

The energy shifts for January 19th and 20th are sort of like standing on a platform that is gliding back and forth on top of another platform that is doing the same. So, when the top one glides left, the bottom one shifts right and then the top one moves right and the bottom goes left.
There are two ways to work with this energy. Either center in your own platform and surf with the movements, or plant yourself on one of the platforms and move with just that one, wherever it goes. I did a LOT of dancing in my younger years. If you have ever done the Salsa, this is a great way to dance with today and tomorrow's energies, flowing with the rhythm of the movements.
I learned a wonderful secret in today's shifts. Each energy shift holds a gift for us. Today and tomorrow's gift is learning how to be more flexible and fluid in our world and our lives. It is as if the Universe and the planet are co-conspiring to evolve all of us very interesting life forms into a beautiful co-creative masterpiece of joyful expression! Enjoy the dance!

In Love and Light,

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