Sunday, January 31, 2010

Relaxing into the changes

Believe it or not, the changes in the earth simply mirror the changes (shifts) in the collective consciousness, and vice versa. When I say "collective consciousness" I mean the Whole Collective, humans, animals, plants, everything. You see, as human beings, we are part of the earth as well, just as every living, breathing thing on the earth is. This even includes rocks, the oceans and rivers, the air we breathe and the entire cosmos. The main reason "stress" has even become a household commodity is that it is simply showing us how much we are out of touch with the collective and our true nature. Many ancient (and luckily some still present today) civilizations and cultures knew and lived by this connection to and knowing of being part of the earth and universe itself.

So, my hint today for relaxing into our home's shifts (earth's changes) is to reconnect to it, thus reconnecting to our own inner nature and the rhythms of the cosmos. When we listen to and stay connected to the earth and all of life on it, we sense the inner lessons being given us by Spirit so as to live in greater harmony with ourselves and thus all others and the planet itself. This is the real reason for changes and shifts in our world and us. We are always growing, learning to express more peace, joy and love, and forever shifting our perspectives so we can perceive differently each day. If you have ever sat and watched a beautiful sunset, then you know that it does not show up in one color, stay that way for the whole setting and just end. The light and colors shift every second like a constantly evolving masterpiece. We are all part of this most amazingly beautiful masterpiece called Life! Enjoy!

Love and Light,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tools for Inner Balance

There is a lovely, clear opening this week, as if Life is gently washing away all barriers between our own hearts and Love Itself. When you feel this clearing this week, just stop for a moment, allowing It to be here for you and those you love as well. Inner balance happens naturally when we stop focusing on polarity thinking of any kind. This can actually benefit our physical balance during the energy shifts since mind and body are not only connected but are in fact One.
For more inner balance, also visit my other blog "Spirit's Journal" at:

In Love and Light,

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jumbled moves

Could someone please hold the planet still for a moment, or two? :)

As the saying goes "people plan. God laughs." Not sure where I heard that but it's a good antidote for today's constant shifts. If you feel you just came off an "E ticket" ride but can't remember even getting in the seat, that's due to today's movements. I did not get a heads up on today's shifts, but I did get the regular "be cautious" signposts when I drove to the store. For me, these have been seeing red cars and trucks like big red flags. Sometimes there are so many I could swear there was a parade or convention in town just for red cars and trucks.

I liken the energy movements today as if someone is sitting in the very center of the earth's core and shaking just a bit of it like a snow globe. Of course this can make us feel dizzy or off-balanced even while just sitting perfectly still. No, it's not your imagination. (but, yes, you can still watch cautiously in case it is something more physically focused in your own body).

I had the thought today that a wonderful way to exercise your "inner balance" to better help you manage the energetic shifts is doing tai chi or qi gong, which both balance and strengthen your dantien and mental and emotional centers through connection with the earth's chi or life force.
This is a very powerful way to dance with the changes not only physically but energetically and even hormonally. Balance is the key, always.

In Love and Light,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Possible physical symptoms from energy shifts.
As our bodies are 70-80% water, and water is the most abundant element on the surface of the planet, and contains hydrogen, the most abundance element, when the earth's magnetic field shifts it affects the polarity of water and thus our physical bodies for a bit. After each shift, our molecules and cells have to readjust themselves. Some things you may experience during the shifts, even if you do not notice the magnetic field shift, are similar to dehydration or altitude sickness; thirst, nausea, dizzyness, feeling off-balance but not really dizzy, muscles feeling fatigued "for no apparent reason", lethargic at times, emotional sensitivity at times, feeling spacey and just wanting to take a nap suddenly. Keep drinking lots of good quality water and if your body is calling for more alkaline water, use it. Our bodies are more in tune with energy shifts so it pays to listen to it and honor its needs. Try using oxygen drops if needed, especially if you are feeling short of breath. As usual, if you are experiencing symptoms out of the norm that persist for longer than a few days (most shifts are from 1 hour to 2 days maximum!) think about checking in with a doctor if you are concerned.

Kindness goes a long way to bless and honor both your body and mind, support emotional shifts, and guide you to more peace each day.

In Love and Light,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Learning fluidity

The energy shifts for January 19th and 20th are sort of like standing on a platform that is gliding back and forth on top of another platform that is doing the same. So, when the top one glides left, the bottom one shifts right and then the top one moves right and the bottom goes left.
There are two ways to work with this energy. Either center in your own platform and surf with the movements, or plant yourself on one of the platforms and move with just that one, wherever it goes. I did a LOT of dancing in my younger years. If you have ever done the Salsa, this is a great way to dance with today and tomorrow's energies, flowing with the rhythm of the movements.
I learned a wonderful secret in today's shifts. Each energy shift holds a gift for us. Today and tomorrow's gift is learning how to be more flexible and fluid in our world and our lives. It is as if the Universe and the planet are co-conspiring to evolve all of us very interesting life forms into a beautiful co-creative masterpiece of joyful expression! Enjoy the dance!

In Love and Light,

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Peace of 355

Welcome to Peace 355

Why Peace 355? Well, besides my life's purpose as being Peace, peace, and PEACEFULLY ALIVE!, I have been blessed with a little "guide" in my life the past 22 years disguising itself as "355". In numerology, 3 is the energy of creative expression, socialness and friendliness and 5 has the energy of freedom, change and travel. When I learned a bit about number energies, of course my little signpost, "355" guided me further. I think of its energy as "creative expression completely free", which is what our spirits are here to be and do, express themselves freely, openly, peacefully, joyfully and most preciously so we can bless the world with that Light being expressed that is uniquely us.

I've set up this blog for a couple of reasons, the main purpose being to share the Insights I receive during these rapidly-shifting times on our beautiful world we call Earth so that we may all "be on the same page" and better steer our own boats through the rapids of the largest and fastest changing river in human history yet. In other words, go with the flow.
The other reason for setting up this blog, which I didn't even know until I set it up, is to help guide you towards freeing your own creative spirit, your True Self, so you can share it with all of us. We are all ONE expression and it is beautiful when the Masterpiece is allowed to blossom its True Self.

For the week of January 17, 2010
- Do not worry so much about the "details" of the changes happening on earth now as much as simply focusing on how you'd like to experience them, which comes from where you are standing in relation to the changes. In other words, the perspective you choose to take determines your perception and thus experience. We live on an ever-changing planet in an ever-changing universe. How exciting is that?! Every moment of our lives hold opportunity to open to more joy, more love and more peace. This week will still have strong magnetic shifts and will lessen some after January 22nd. The message is still "GENTLE, GENTLE, GENTLE." In fact take a minute right now, pull out a piece of blank paper, and write that in big letters and post it where you can see it everyday! I cannot stress how important this one thing is right now. It does you or anyone else no good to be hard on yourself during these shifts. Your body will be most grateful and your heart will open to more softness each day.

One of the things some of you may already be noticing this year is a stronger calling to inner balance, including what I call the "inner marriage" of our female/male, yin/yang aspects. This year also, many of you committed to your own inner wholeness will feel a much stronger calling to share that strong, peaceful, joyous wholeness with a soul companion, no matter what your age. This is a wonderful and important expression this year. Listen to your heart. It has much to teach us. These inner and outer unions actually help clear and open energy on the earth, thus contributing to the planet's inner balance as well.

I will post new insights as they come in.

In Love and Light,
