Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Being the Stillness within the storm

We've all been on this Journey for so long, travelling through the fluxes of mind, spirit and body that it almost seems "moot point" (sp?) to write today. Nevertheless, I feel it will be helpful to entertain a few more metaphors in order to ease the current fluxes.

As Infinite Spirits of Love and Light, nothing can really ever harm our True Selves. That being said, our mind and body forms are getting a little tossed about this week and throughout October. Since our physical forms do live in a physical universe (as far as we've learned for now), we experience all the changes happening within it, physical and mental. At this time in the year 2011 our beautiful sun has been going through some pretty big magnetic fluxes, flares and what is called CMEs (coronal mass eruptions), all of which do effect the solar system. That of course includes our little lovely planet that we all call home at this time. On October 1st, there was not only two major solar flares interacting with each other, but also a large CME possibly triggered by a comet that headed into the sun for a true melt down. (comets are made of ice and rock debris)
The solar storms and magnetic storms that hit earth are usually 2-3 days after major sun fluxes (flares, CMEs, etc.). Yesterday there was also a major CME on the sun which may effect us by the weekend.

So you ask, why am I bringing this all up? Well, we are much more than mind and body. We are Consciousness itself, Pure Awareness. Today and tomorrow can feel a bit challenging as the large magnetic storms hit earth. The point in this is that we are not the storm either. We are not even the eye of the storm. (physical or mental) We are in essence the Stillness, the calm itself in the eye of the storm which we have called Life and form. Over the next few days especially (and today), a great way to Be your own Inner Peace is simply to center in it. Our bodies will feel the effects of the storms, but our mind has the ability to choose where it will dwell energetically, and the energy of the body will follow eventually. So if we can make the choice of our True Self as Inner Peace or the choice of inner conflict, Life will follow suit. So one helpful metaphor is simply being the Inner Peace "tuning fork", centered in your own Inner Peace, and not only your body will feel more balanced, but other people around you will begin to resonate with that peace.

Another way Spirit showed me this today is that if you stir up a pond the water gets turbulent and usually takes a little time to settle back down (like after a storm). If you've heard of Dr. Masaru Emoto's research on how water molecules are effected by thoughts, you'll understand this next point. When we can simply be an "Inner Peace" drop of water, the rest of the pond will respond in kind, beginning to resonate with that perfect peaceful Stillness, returning the pond to clarity. (

The physical changes our universe (and our bodies) is experiencing can be perceived as learning tools for our minds. The changes will always instigate our learning to love more, to be more compassionate and to be kinder in our lives so that we can remember more each day who we truly are, Infinite Love and Light.

Peace and blessings to you,


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