Sunday, March 14, 2010

Living your TRUTH

More and more this year, many of us are relearning the most precious lesson ever!
It is a message we have read, and heard and tried to live for so long that it seems almost surreal now that the message is Being Lived by so many people. It is the message and lesson of trusting, following and Living our own Truth, whatever that is for each of us. Every one of us has a unique, beautiful path we are here to express and experience as Spirit Itself. Every single path is exquisitely unique. If you could create and experience in infinite ways, why would you do it any other way?! God IS Infinite, and thus so are you.
The past couple of months me and several friends, as well as others, have been given opportunities and support to truly speak and live what we feel is True for each of us. In many lives, mine included, there is the learned conditioning to do and think and believe what everyone else does and thinks and believes so as to "fit in" and "not rock the boat." The pressure in some societies is so great to do so that we literally make ourselves ill by cutting ourselves off from our inner voice, our intuition, or as Spirit called it the other day, our "IT", or Inner Teacher. Also known as our I.T. or Inner Technology, our spirit, when we are "offline" from our I.T. (spirit), we are disconnected from IT, our Inner Teacher, and the One Infinite Teacher (Get IT?) :)
This year for me has been so much about the opposite message and the unlearning of this suppression of my own spirit and Inner Knowing. There is so much Joy in this.
One supportive piece of information I learned around this lesson this year is that when I am not valuing or being honest with myself about what I know to be my true path or action, etc., and thus do not act in alignment with my spirit's true intentions out of fear of disapproval or feeling not accepted by others' standards, I can actually get in the way of the bigger plan for me and others, the "Master Script" which God directs. So now I feel so much better truly walking my own path even if others don't have the same truth, because I don't want to short-change my life and certainly do not want to short-change the paths and lives of others.
I know it is about trusting, something many of us learned very little of growing up. This year is truly about Trusting and honoring your Inner Teacher, your amazingly beautiful spirit that God created.

In Love and Light,
Elaine :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Living with an Open Clear Heart

Today I received by far what could be seen as the oddest message from Spirit, but energetically it feels right on target, so please bare with me as I try to formulate into words that which does not even feel like can be explained.
(Note: Reading the following may shift your perceptions.)
Over the next few weeks, there will be a very different kind of shift for earth and all of its inhabitants. Whereas in the past several years especially, we've experienced many, many energetic and magnetic shifts in our physical environment, this new style is much more of a perceptual shift, in a way. Whereas in the past, when the earth's magnetic fields shifted, we felt sort of turned "upside down" polarity-wise, and physically could feel dizzy or light-headed at times, this new SHIFT will feel more as if we are being turned "inside out", not in a physical-based way, but rather in our perspectives when it comes to who and what we are as human beings and spiritual beings, which of course can affect how we experience our physical world as well.
One of the analogies Spirit showed me is that if we have believed that we are human beings breathing in and out (our spirit's life force), after this shift, we will be much more in the perspective (and almost effortlessly so) of being breathed in and out by our spirit (by Spirit Itself). Another way of looking at this is that for those of us who have worked so hard to keep reminding ourselves that we are all One, after this re-perspectiving we will more easily KNOW and feel and Live this reality. It is a sort of "laying the cards on the table", as if enough of the veils (fears/shadows of ego) have been cleared away by Light and Love that we will be able to see more with our "True Eyes", the vision of our spirits (and Spirit Itself) through an Open, Clear One Heart. As this is new for me as well, I can only guess that it might be what it feels like when a critical mass is reached and a whole new experience "appears" or falls into place.

In Love and Light,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Message from Earth and Love

I received this last night in the middle of my quiet. :)

A message from Earth and Love:

“You are not here to “master” the earth. You are here to learn from it. It has been around for far longer than you and has experienced more than you can even begin to imagine. It is far wiser than the human beings that love it or try to condemn it.
You think you understand love but you do not.
You think you “know” the way Home, but without Love, there is no way to get there and no home to be found for It is One and the same.
How can you see the earth’s love for you when all of your energy goes into dismantling it to serve your lost mind’s needs and wants?
Most directions will take you somewhere, but unless your spirit is guiding the way, you will end up where you began and the circle will go unchanged. Home sits in the middle of Love and Love alone. Nowhere else is there to go but to Love. And this alone is All that you seek.”

In Love and Light,